
!wget --no-cache -O -q
import init; init.init(force_download=False)
#!sudo apt install cm-super dvipng texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-recommended
import numpy as np
from import load_data
import scipy as sc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#!pip install cvxpy
import cvxpy as cp


  • Algorithm: Gradient and accelerated gradient

  • Problem: Ridge Regression

\(\underset{{\bf{w}}}{\min}f({\bf{w}})=\underset{{\bf{w}}}{\min}\left(\frac{1}{2}\left\Vert {\bf{X}}{\bf{w}}-{\bf{y}}\right\Vert _{2}^{2}+\frac{\lambda}{2}\left\Vert {\bf{w}}\right\Vert _{2}^{2}\right)\)

  • Data: Boston housing dataset

    • 13 features: crime rate, proportion of non-retail business, \(\textrm{N}\textrm{O}_{2}\) concentration, number of rooms per house…

      • We use only 12 features: \(\bf{X}\) is a \(400\times12\) matrix containing 400 dataset entries.

    • Target: to predict the price of the houses (in thousands of $).

      • Thus, \({\bf{y}}\) is a \(400\times1\) vector containing the regression target (i.e., the price)

For the accelerated gradient, you can use the equations discussed on the slides (Chapeter 3) or alternatively:

\[{\bf{v}}_{k+1} = {\bf{w}}_{k} - \eta \nabla f({\bf{w}}_{k})\]
\[{\bf{w}}_{k+1} = {\bf{v}}_{k+1} + \gamma ({\bf{v}}_{k+1} - {\bf{v}}_{k})\]

They both converge to the optimum and perform similar but have a different starting point which conditiones their behavior during some part of the iterative process.

#load data
X,y = load_data("regression", 1)
n,d = X.shape
#data normalisation
X = sc.stats.zscore(X)
y = sc.stats.zscore(y)
# Constant parameters
lamb = 0.01 #regularisation parameter
Niter=500   # Number of iterations for each algorithm
def solver_cvx(X,Y,lamb,objective_fn):
    n_columns = X.shape[1]
    w = cp.Variable(n_columns)
    lambd = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True)
    lambd.value = lamb
    problem = cp.Problem(
        cp.Minimize(objective_fn(X, Y, w, lambd))
    return w.value
# Get the optimum value for comparison purposes 
loss_fn = lambda X, Y, w: (1/2)*cp.pnorm(X @ w - Y, p=2)**2
reg_L2 = lambda w: cp.pnorm(w, p=2)**2
loss_LS_L2 = lambda X, Y, w, lambd: loss_fn(X, Y, w) + (lambd/2) * reg_L2(w)

# Solution using CVX

w = cp.Variable(w_L2_cvx.shape[0])
w.value = w_L2_cvx

print(f'The loss function f at the optimum takes the value {f_cvx}')
The loss function f at the optimum takes the value 54.67754570364904
# Step size computation

# Complete the code to estimate the learning rate (step size) 
# according to the formula for strong second order convexity functions
eta = ...
#Function that estimates the loss for several w at once.
f = lambda X, Y, w, lambd: (1/2)*np.sum((X@w - np.kron(Y.reshape(-1,1),np.ones((1,Niter+1))))**2, axis=0) + (lambd/2)*np.sum(w**2,axis=0)

# Gradient Descent
for k in range(Niter):
    #Complete the code including the updating formula. Keep the w values for all the iteration
    w_grad[:,k+1] = ...

# Accelerated gradient
w_grad_acc = np.zeros((d,Niter+1))
v_grad_acc = np.zeros((d,Niter+1))

# Complete the code to estimate the momentum coefficient 
# according to the formula for strong second order convexity functions

# Accelerated gradient
for k in range(Niter):
    #Complete the code including the updating formula. Keep the weight values for all the iterations
    w_grad_acc[:, k+1] = ...

    "text.usetex": True,
    "": "Helvetica"
t = range(Niter+1)
plt.plot(t, 10*np.log10((f_grad_acc-f_cvx)**2+np.finfo(float).eps), color = 'b',label = 'Grad acc')
plt.plot(t, 10*np.log10((f_grad-f_cvx)**2+np.finfo(float).eps), color = 'r', label = 'Grad constant')
plt.ylabel(r'$10\log(f({\bf{x}})-f*)^2)$ (MSE)')