
Welcome to the Optimization Techniques for Bid Data Analysis (OTBD) course, which is part of the Signal Processing and machine learning for big data track of the Master of Science in Signal Theory and Communications.

This course delves into the fundamental concepts and theoretical underpinnings of convex optimization, offering a comprehensive set of algorithms designed to address a wide range of standard optimization challenges in the field of Machine Learning. Additionally, the course explores algorithm variations tailored for local processing within distributed environments, particularly suitable for handling large-scale data scenarios.

Course content and slides#

Part1: Fundamentals of Optimization and First Order Methods#

Part2: Second Order Methods and Large Scale Optimisation#

Part3: Automatic differentiation and hyperparameter selection#

Interactive course material#

Second Order Methods and Large Scale Optimisation

Automatic differentiation and hyperparameter selection

Course’s project#

Download a ZIP file with the course’s notebooks